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Mantelli, tuniche, Antica, Roma, armature, legionari, vestiario, abbigliamento, romano, costumi, scena greci, troia. Coats, tunics, ancient, Rome, armor, legionnaires, clothing, apparel, Roman costumes, scene, Greek, Troy

Ancient Rome - Roman clothing - First century roman tunic, 1st century. Pattern based on the Mons Claudianus original, Mantelli e tuniche della Antica Roma, armature per legionari, vestiario ed abbigliamento romano, costumi di scena, costumi greci.| Roman clothing, cloaks and robes of ancient Rome, for legionnaires armor, clothing and Roman dress, costumes, Greek costumes.

First century roman tunic

Antica Roma First century roman tunic, 1st century. Pattern based on the Mons Claudianus original,

Price: € 105.00
(Price: GB $76.65 - US $110.25)

(new, in stock)

Materials: wool or linen.

Notes: No exterior machine stitching visible.
Hand stitching available on request.

Suggested colors:
Reds - regular infantrymen
Ivory white -
regular infantrymen,

Blues - cavalrymen and sailors
Greens - auxilia

€ 105,00 - with clavi, as showed in the pic

(€ 89,00 - without clavi)

Size: tailor-made.
Availability: 14 days after order.



Antica Roma: First century roman tunic (code: 2301)

Oval paenula (cloak)
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